Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Plenty of Shad in the Connecticut

The news from the Hudson lately has been bad -- the state has further restricted shad fishing and at least one shad festival didn't even serve shad this year.

So what do we make of this: the shad run in the Connecticut River is excellent in 2008. Almost 63,000 have been counted at the Holyoke Dam, in Massachusetts. This page, from the Fish and Wildlife Service, summarizes the number of anadromous fish counted in the Connecticut. Some dams have fish ladders or other passageways to help fish get upstream; at Holyoke, apparently, they ride a sort of elevator:

Holyoke lifted 7,871 Shad on Friday, 11,619 Shad of Saturday and 11,901 Shad yesterday.

None of this means everything is right with the world, of course. Look, for example, at the number of alewives and blueback herring that have been counted.

To me, what it shows is that the one thing we can be sure of is that when we think we know what's going on in the natural world, there's a good chance we're wrong.

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